At U.S. Forensic, our tire experts are the professionals that insurance companies, lawyers and courts from around the nation turn to in order to shed light on vehicle accidents by using only proven scientific methods.

Tire Failure Analysis
Our tire experts provide clients with the information that they need to make a sound decision regarding a case or claim. Our experts are mechanical engineers with training and experience to determine if the tire failure was due to a manufacturing defect, improper maintenance, or other contributing factor.
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Expert Witness Services
U.S. Forensic engineering experts can provide testimony as to the cause of an accident or failure. Our tire experts can determine the cause and origin of a blow out, tread separation, or other damage. We can determine if a tire failed due to a manufacturer defect, poor maintenance, or improper repair.
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Accident Reconstruction
Our court qualified experts can reconstruct an accident to determine speed, reaction times, stopping distances, driver input, mechanical failures and consistency with the accounts of involved parties.
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